Martínez-Carpio Institute-Investiláser (IMC-Investiláser) is a platform designed for research writing and proof-reading for trials, papers and other studies related to medical surgical laser and other related technologies.

We are the first Spanish organization dedicated to clinical research on medical surgical laser technology in all specialities. We collaborate directly with the industry, and in particular, with other experts who act as clinical promoters linked to commercial companies.

MCI-Investiláser has collaborated, directly or indirectly, with the following research and education centres:

  • Instituto Municipal de Investigación Médica (IMIM, Barcelona)
  • Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas (ICFO, Castelldefels, Barcelona)
  • Photonic Center (Boston, USA)
  • Hermann Eye Center (Houston, USA)
  • Centro de Estudios del Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Barcelona (Barcelona)
  • Universidad de Barcelona (Barcelona)
  • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Bellaterra, Barcelona)
  • Universidad de Lille Nord de France (Lille, France)


  • Research Department. Alma Lasers (Caesarea, Israel)
  • Researh Department. Linline (Minsk, Belarus)
  • Instituto Médico Vilafortuny (Cambrils, Tarragona)
  • Fundación Antoni de Gimbernat (Cambrils, Tarragona)
  • Clínica Alcolea – Medicina Estética (Barcelona)
  • Centro de Oftalmología Bonafonte (Barcelona)
  • Augenlaserzentrum (Recklinghausen, Germany)
  • Clínica Vázques Lapel (Lima, Perú)



Dr Martínez-Carpio


 Dr. Martínez -Carpio.

He will take care to ensure your publication is plausible

If you want to know more about him, you can learn about his professional career here. He is the heart of MCI-Investiláser, our CEO.

Not forgetting many other collaborations with others in the industry and with clinical promoters, such as consultants, on reserved and confidential content.